What a year. These past couple of years I seem to feel a little blue on New Year's Eve, it's a new feeling for me. I think it's because of my traumatic start to 2012, I was so sure 2012 was going to be a great year & three days into it I nearly died. 2013 was a great year, I'm healthy, my sweet family is healthy and our home is filled with love. I realize there are challenges ahead in 2014...my father-in-law is not well and we are desperate to spend as much time together as a family. I have high hopes for the new year but deep inside I feel the fragility that is possible.
Here are some photos from the past year...it really was a good one...I sure do love my babes.
beckett's 6th birthday party
Friday, December 20, 2013
The photo in the middle is Beckett & his best friend Finn. Seriously, how cute is that? Finn is in the other grade one class at school, the boys find each other at lunch & they love spending time together. Finn also happens to have Down syndrome. My heart is full when I think of the boys going through their school years together.
My sweet friend Denise made the cake (again), she really is the queen of cakes. Sonia at Sugary Sweet Things made the cookies. We set up two major HotWheels tracks in the backyard & the kids raced cars all afternoon.
The only chance we have of getting a family shot is during the cake...we have til the end of Happy Birthday to sneak in a five-shot. There are lots of hugs, many kisses and too many smiles to count. It was nice to do this post five months after the party....such a great reminder of a fantastic day. xx
zoë is five
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Zoë Frances Noriko Genn is five today. I remember the day she came into the world so well. Born at 8:55am, ZoZo (as we like to call her) was 8 pounds, 1 ounce and 21 inches long. Dave & I were so excited to have a baby girl join our family. It was an emotional day for a number of reasons, I was grateful to also have my best friend Saleema in the delivery room. There were tears of joy & a sigh of relief - she was healthy.
Beckett was very intrigued...I love this photo of Beckett inspecting his little sister. I knew in this moment that the relationship between Beckett & Zoë would be intense and important. My biggest fear when Beckett was born was that he would be alone once Dave & I were gone...he needed a team and I was going to build him one. Zoë was the first person on his team, Poppy would follow two years later. Our boy has his little sisters to love him and he loves them back with pure joy.
Zoë was an easy baby, she ate and slept like a dream. She always looked at people with her brows scrunched up, as if she was trying to figure out who they really were. Dave always joked that he hoped Zoë looked like me but acted like him. Personality-wise, she is my clone. It's unbelievable, she opens her mouth to talk and my words and attitude come out. I'm secretly overjoyed.
It was difficult to choose just a few photos of Zoë...These are some of my favourites. As you can see the girl has a sense of humour, a zest for life and the ability to create an atmosphere of love and happiness wherever she may be.
Everyday is a new adventure with all three of our children, the experiences are unique as they are each so different. This morning at 6am, Zoë climbed into our bed...I whispered Happy Birthday (she giggled with excitement) and I asked her if she felt different. She replied "Yes, I do". "How do you feel different?"...."I feel five".
Happy Birthday my love. Thank you for filling my heart.
poppy is three
Friday, August 16, 2013
My baby. My baby is three today. I have been thinking about this day for weeks, trying to hold onto Poppy's last days as a two year old with all my might. I'm not ready for her to be three. When we have our bedtime story and our nightly song and cuddle together I remind her that she is my baby. She says "I not a baby, I a girl". True. But she will always be my baby.
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photo by ka davidson |
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photo by ka davidson
This is Poppy on her first birthday. Her personality is sweet, her laugh is infectious and her cuddles are addictive.
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photo by kyrani kanavaros This is Poppy at two years old, taken in the same park as her portrait on her first birthday. Sweet. |
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photo by kyrani kanavaros Christmas 2012. They hold my heart. |
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photo by kyrani kanavaros
Happy birthday sweet Poppy. You are three today. You are and always will be my baby. Thank you for filling my heart with so much love. xx
beckett is six
Friday, August 2, 2013
On this day six years ago at 8:21am I became a mother for the first time. It was the most glorious moment of my life, followed by some dark, scary days. Thankfully the fear was short lived and we have had six beautiful years filled with love and pure joy. Beckett is six today. I can't believe how fast it has gone, I'm desperate to hold onto each day and savour every second. These are the best days of my life and it's because of my children. Here's each year of sweet Beckett's life so far...
This is Beckett minutes after he was born, 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches long. It's also the moment I fell hopelessly in love and my life changed forever. This photo means so much to me, there's more here than I can ever explain.
Beckett is seven weeks old in this photo, his first photo shoot. We were getting settled at this point, we knew Beckett had Down syndrome and had been to numerous doctors appointments. Our boy was healthy and happy. Dave and I were in love with this boy and so was everyone who met him.
This is Beckett at 1 year old, getting cuter and sweeter by the second. I could get lost looking into those big brown eyes.
Beckett is two years old in this photo, he had just started to walk and we were thrilled. As you can tell from this photo, he liked to laugh a lot - and he still does. His laugh is one of my favourite sounds.
I love this photo. This is Beckett at three years old, playing the drum set Dave bought him when he was born. We had the drums in the back yard, which he was pretty happy about.
Oh those eyes, how I love them. Beckett is four years old here. A beautiful boy and a great big brother to Zoë and Poppy.
At five years old Beckett loved trains and dinosaurs, not much has changed in that department - but we can now add Hot Wheels to the list! This would be the year Beckett entered Kindergarten, a big step. He loved his first year at school and even lost his two bottom teeth, his new chompers are still growing in.
And this is what six looks like. I still can't believe it, our boy is six. We had a birthday party for Beckett last Saturday, the theme was Hot Wheels (of course) and we had a great time. I'll post more pictures of the party soon. I love that some of Beckett's friends from school came to the party, he was so happy to see them. This boy has grown a lot in the last year. We started an intense food therapy last November and now Beckett is eating the same foods as his sisters. He has his favourites, he loves peanut butter, cucumbers and cherries! Beckett is continuing with his reading and speech therapy sessions and improving each month. It's been a big year of growth. It has also been a year of love. This boy has brought us more happiness than we could have ever imagined.
Happy Birthday Beckett. We love you. xx
This is Beckett minutes after he was born, 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches long. It's also the moment I fell hopelessly in love and my life changed forever. This photo means so much to me, there's more here than I can ever explain.
photo by KA Davidson |
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photo by KA Davidson |
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photo by KA Davidson |
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photo by KA Davidson |
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photo by KA Davidson |
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photo by Kyrani Kanavaros |
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photo by Kyrani Kanavaros |
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photo by Kyrani Kanavaros |
celebrating 70
Thursday, June 13, 2013
There were fifteen of us for dinner, we hired someone to come in to make dinner - it was Italian and it was amazing. I had never done this before but a friend suggested it, they worked with our budget and we were able to visit and not worry about what was happening on the stove. I also asked my friend Kyrani Kanavaros to come to take photos, I knew she would capture the evening for us and we could have the memories forever.
The best part of the night was that our kids were there to experience it. They had no idea what a "surprise party" was but once explained they loved it. My mom was so happy to have her three treasures with her. Of course the biggest surprise of the night was that my brother snuck into town, the look on my mom's face when she saw him was priceless.
When I was little my mom would throw me the greatest birthday parties. Lots of friends, cake and family. I was so happy to do this for her, to give her a night with her most loved that she will always remember. The cake was from Butter Baked Goods and it was delicious.first play date
Monday, April 29, 2013
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photo by kyrani kanavaros |
This was in my inbox last week.
Hi Dave & Tamara,
A little while ago Aurora asked me if
she could have a play date with Beckett sometime. We would be very happy to
arrange this, if you and Beckett are interested. Aurora is trying to make a few
more friends in her class, and when I asked her which kids are the nicest, she
mentioned Beckett. I hope that you'll consider arranging something with us.
When I received this e-mail I had to
pause and process my feelings. Lisa couldn’t know that by sending this e-mail
she was opening up five years of feelings and fears. Yes, it’s just a simple invitation to play but this is different
– it’s the first time a “typical” child has asked my son to do something. In my world, this is huge.
When Beckett was just days old, I would
stay up late with him asleep in my arms, fretting over whether he would have
any friends. Would he be bullied? Would other children want to play with
him? When Beckett was a few months
old I met someone who worked for the School Board, I shared my fear of high
school and they said to me “Kids with Down syndrome can be quite lonely in
school – no one wants to be best friends with the kid with Down syndrome”. Insert knife in heart here. I have
never forgotten those words. Ever. When I received Lisa’s e-mail I wanted to
cry and I secretly hoped that Aurora would feel the same way about Beckett when
they get to high school.
I hadn’t met Aurora yet and I already
loved her. Maybe it was Lisa’s
idea, maybe she instinctively knew that children with special needs usually
don’t get asked over for play dates?
I don’t care, I instantly adored Lisa for doing this.
We went for the play date yesterday
afternoon. I was over the moon. Beckett
was happy but he didn’t understand what we were doing, I tried to explain but
it didn’t really have any impact.
Aurora was waiting in the window and
when we walked in Lisa explained that she had been excited all week. Beckett took one look at Aurora’s toys,
realized he was in heaven and proceeded to play with every toy and ignore
Aurora. Very disappointing for
sweet Aurora.
My bliss turned to reality once I
realized that Beckett didn’t know how to have a play date – I found myself
explaining to everyone that he was so excited to see their toys, that’s why he
was playing on his own - Beckett would eventually want to play with Aurora
(fingers crossed). It’s challenging
because Beckett’s speech is delayed, he can communicate but not as well as a
typical five year old. It’s hard for his peers to understand him.
I found myself analyzing the situation,
is this play date going sideways because Beckett has Down syndrome or because
he’s a boy or both? He was having a good time, a really good time – by himself.
By the end of the date I realized, like
most other things, we would need to guide Beckett and get him used to the idea
of a play date. Aurora is now
coming over this week to have a play date at our house. She will meet Beckett’s sisters, I’m
sure they’ll get along great.
I have saved Lisa’s e-mail, I read it
daily. Aurora thinks Beckett is one of the nicest kids in her class. That makes
me happy. It settles my fears. Aurora is right.
world down syndrome day
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Today is the 8th Annual World Down Syndrome Day. The 21st day of the 3rd month was chosen as the day to celebrate and signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.
Today, we raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities. We celebrate Beckett everyday in our house, his extra chromosome presents some challenges but that's okay. There was a time when I was filled with fear, I didn't know anything about Down syndrome. That has changed, I'm an expert now! I hope I can teach others there is nothing to fear. People with Down syndrome are just like you - they have feelings, they love, they have dreams. The thought of someone judging my son based on his extra chromosome breaks my heart.
Today, we raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities. We celebrate Beckett everyday in our house, his extra chromosome presents some challenges but that's okay. There was a time when I was filled with fear, I didn't know anything about Down syndrome. That has changed, I'm an expert now! I hope I can teach others there is nothing to fear. People with Down syndrome are just like you - they have feelings, they love, they have dreams. The thought of someone judging my son based on his extra chromosome breaks my heart.
Our dreams for Beckett are no different than our dreams for our daughters. Be happy, be bright, be you. Happy World Down Syndrome Day. Next time you see someone with Down syndrome, say hi - you'll be pleasantly surprised. xx
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